According to a formula devised by a psychologist in Wales,
today could be the happiest day of the year.
Cliff Arnall from the University of Cardiff in Wales
cooked up the formula.
It combines things like emotions, stress, and weather, and
comes up with a sort of "happiness quotient."
So here's the formula:
O + (N x S) + Cpm/T + He
When you factor it all together,
June 20 is supposed to be the happiest day of 2008.
It combines a bunch of pleasant activities, with the day
with the most amount of sunshine.
For your planning purposes, Arnall's formula says
the third Monday in January is typically the
gloomiest day of the year.
In addition to the colder weather that day,
debts from Christmas and botched New Year's
resolutions tend to drag down spirits the most on that day.
(Copyright 2008 by KARE. All Rights Reserved.)I thought this was kinda fun!
I know I love today!