Friday, September 28, 2007

Chaska Homecoming

Tonight is Chaska's homecoming football game & tomorrow
night is "The Dance". Benji's first high school dance.
He is going solo, no date. He and some friends are all going
together. I have been to Von Maur twice this week trying to
pick out shoes and an outfit. Needless to say we will be making
one more trip tomorrow for him to pick out the tie and shoes.
I did ok on the shirt and pants.
I will post some photos of him Sunday or Monday.

Where has the week gone? It's Friday already.
(Well, I guess I know where it went. I was shopping for
Benji all week. Oh, and I brought a van full of Joe's books
to the Chan Library. And when I say a van full, I mean FULL!)
I just love Fridays. I try to get the house picked up
and a little laundry done so I can enjoy the week end
with out house work hanging over my head.
This morning I cleaned my room and washed the
sheets from our bed, opened the window to let
some fresh fall air fill the room. I love it!
As much as I love hot summer days by the pool,
I love fall too. Bright blue sky. Fall week ends are good.
I like having every one home and no alarm clock
or homework to do. Maybe a bon fire.

Well, I gotta go get a few more things done around this house.
What do you think I do, sit around and write blogs all day?


Monday, September 24, 2007

Laundry & Lunch

Man can we get stuff dirty!
Monday is clean up the mess you
made over the week end day for the Bakers.

At noon I'm off to Bluff Creek Elementary
to have lunch with Emily & Amanda.
They love it when I come up to the school.
So, while they want me I will be there.
I don't think Benji would welcome me
at his lunch table at the high school.

All is well here in Chanhassen, the weather has
been great. The kids were all in the pool yesterday.
It may be one of the last times they swim in it
this year :( Closing the pool is hard for me.

We emptied Joe's storage locker into our garage
yesterday. Benji now has Joe's bedroom set.
It fits great and looks awesome in his room.
Benji is digging it too. More space for his ever
growing clothes.

Joe had books, books and more books!
I'll be dropping them off at the Chan library, household
goods will go to Good will and all the empty boxes
and old paperwork to the garbage man.

Let me just say one thing here...
I see no need to save every box from
every small appliance, computer program, etc....
you own! Holy cow! I know lets pay $175.000 a month
to store boxes. Joe must have been up in Heaven
looking down and laughing his butt off at us.
Love & miss you Joe!

Today marks the 3 year anniversary of the death of
Andy & Shari's dear sweet baby Jacob. Jacob was 9 1/2
days old when he passed away. Cute, tiny guy. Boy oh boy
has he been missed. Keep them in your prayers today.
Today will be a hard day.


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Presidential Library

Crawford, Texas -- A tragic flood this morning destroyed the
personal library of President George W. Bush. The flood began in
the presidential bathroom where both books were kept. Both his
books have been lost. A presidential spokesman said the president
was devastated, as he had almost finished coloring the second one.
The White House tried to call FEMA, but there was no answer.

While I do not agree with this.... It is funny!

Keep smiling!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Drivers Ed

Could it be? My little boy is taking drivers ed?
He's only 2 1/2 years old, how can it be?
Yep, he starts today. 30 hours of class time.
He is very excited about it. Me, not so much.
I am not sure how I feel about it. It will be nice to
just let him drive to his Dads and not need a ride.

I forgot to post some photos last week of
a visit we had from Pete's sister Nettie
and her 4 leg friends. My kids were crazy
excited. Nettie was trying to beat Laurie
out of the aunt of the year spot from last
weeks golf cart driving. Thanks Nettie,
It was fun! Even though I really do not
like horses at all. They scare me to death!
It is way to big of an animal to trust as far as
I'm concerned! Can you tell by the look on my
face I am less that thrilled?!

Must get back to my Monday chores now...
The laundry never ends!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Smoke free living!

Toady marks 6months of no smoking for me!
GO ME!!! I never thought I would be able
to do it but, here I am.......I'm doing it!
N.O.P.E. = Not One Puff Ever
Now I just need to get rid of the 30 lbs
I put on in the last 6 mos.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Owen Patrick Craig

I was blessed with an invite to baby sit my
2 1/2 year old nephew Owen today. He is so
funny! And very busy! We played kitchen, trains,
trucks, puzzles, cars, colored, danced and ran
around and I pushed him on his swing.
All in an hours time! No wonder kids take naps,
they don't stop moving! I just can't get enough of him.
I also can't wait to meet the next little Craig.
Here is a few shots I took of him today.
Check out the eye lashes!

Have a great week end!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

Pampering ME!

I have spent the past 15 years putting
babies and others before myself.
Not that I minded that much, I have
three lovely children and a fantastic family
and better friends than anyone on earth!
I just think I am way over due for some
real "ME" time!
So, now that all my kids are in school all day
(9am to 4pm) I am doing things for me.
I figure some mani, pedi's and things are
good for a girl. Today I am going to the gym
but, not to work out! I am going to the Lifetime
Spa for a 60 minute massage. Then I think I'll
go do some shopping or something. And yes,
I think I will drive the Porsche!

Take care of you!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Steamboat Day's in Carver Mn

Here is Emily on her
1st Helicopter ride.

And here is Amanda.

The three of us went up over
Chaska and Carver on Sunday after we
watched the parade and caught all the candy
we could, I even caught a jello shot! Lisa's Place was
actually giving out jello shots to all the adults
that were along the parade route! Only in Carver!
Anyway, it was a very fun day the girls had
a blast. Laurie won aunt of the year cuz' she let
them drive all over in a golf cart. I wish I
would have got a photo of that too.
All I had was my camera on my phone
so the chopper photos are not real good.

Went to the gym again today. It seems so hard to
get there but once I go I feel great!
I plan to go again on Thursday morning.
There... now I have to go cuz' I wrote it down.

It's a cool one here today. High of only like 60 degrees.
At least the sun is out. It looks nice but its not really.
It's pretty windy and deceiving looking out.
My poor pool looks sad! It is saying hay why is it so
cold out? I want you guys out here! So, I go out and give a little
love tap to let it know we are still here. Man, I just love summer!
I wish it was 85 to 95 degrees every day of the year! I have
let all my annual flowers die so all I have now are the few
mums I just got. . I am kinda sick of watering!

A Happy 9 year anniversary shot out to Susan and Gary today!
Love you guys!

Blog on!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Ahhhhhhh the weekend!

I gotta say it is nice to sleep in a little.
I love having the kids back in school but I
hate having to set an alarm! I like to wake up
when I am done sleeping. Yes, I have been aloud
to turn into a princesses! (Thanks Pete!)

So, I woke up at 8:45 sat around a bit then it
was time for a shower and off to Amanda's soccer game.
They won like 12 to 4 or something like that. She was thrilled!

Benji just left to go to Greg's for a few days so I think
I'll load up the girls and head out to our church (Westwood)
They are having a car show in the parking lot. Then we can
head over and have some fun at Apple Day in Excelsior.
It is such a nice early fall day. Temps about 70 degrees
and a few clouds. I just want to be out side today.

Tomorrow is the start of a new season for church and the Vikings.
I have lots more faith in the church opener that the good ol' Viks!
Don't get me wrong I am a big Vikings fan I just not so sure about
how they will do this year. Tomorrow is also the Carver Steamboat
Days parade. My brother Tim is the parade director. So, I think I'll take the
girls out to catch some candy at the parade then home to catch the
end of the Viks game.

Till next time....
Love and hugs!
Blog on!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Spice is in heat again!

This is Spice the day we got her.
About a year ago.

And here she is now.
Can you hear her???????

Spice tried all night long to get in my room.
She puts one paw under my door and shakes it
back and forth. She is making me mental! At about
5 this morning I put a blanket up next to the door.
That helped a little. As soon as the breeder calls
me back I'll bring her in again. Sugar is getting a
bit annoyed as well. Right now it sounds as if
Spice is yelling Mooooooommmm! It is very funny
if your not trying to sleep.

Off to the gym this morning. I can't ride a bike
every place I go like the Dutch folk do.

Have an awesome day!
Love & Hugs!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

2nd day of school

This is a photo from the first
day of school last year.

Did I have tired kids last night or what!?
That was a long day for all 3 of them.
To top it all off Amanda had soccer at 6pm,
so that screws up the whole night.

Yesterday morning, well...
The bus came early so I did not take nearly the amount
of photos I normally take on the 1st day of school.
When all the kids were off to school my friend & neighbor
Tiffany and I had mimosas on her front porch and toasted
our first graders first day. It was lots of fun. I had to come
home and have a little rest before I made the cookie dough.
Then Tiffany called and said "lets go to lunch" So, I covered
up the cookie dough and picked her up in the Porsche and off
we went. Came home, made cookies and before I knew it, in
walked Benji and 15 minutes later the girls were home.
They all had good safe & fun 1st days.

Today I have to run out to Goodwill and drop off a van load of
"stuff". Then I thought I would check out Trader Joe's and see
what its like. I have to get out of the house so I don't eat all the
cookies I made yesterday. Gonna be another HOT one today!
90+ degrees and HUMID!

Make good choices!
Peace out!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day 2007

Should be another beautiful day her in Chanhassen.
84 degrees and partly cloudy.
We are going to have Pete's family over today for an early dinner
of marinated chicken on the grill, some fruit and maybe
some squash. (I LOVE squash!)

So, yesterday the Shakopee Craig's came over along with
Kindra's mom and step dad for an afternoon at the pool.
We are all sitting around or in the pool when Kiki (thats
what the kids call Kindra) and Owen walk out and he has a
t-shirt on that says big brother. I yell WHAT! Yep, Kiki is pregnant
and due the beginning of February! She has known since May!
I said you B*tch! How could you keep it to your self so long!
Needless to say, we are all very happy! It was fun that Kiki's
mom and my mom found out at the same time.

School starts tomorrow and I have made a tradition of making
home made choc. chip cookies on the 1st day of school.
When I put Benji on the kindergarten bus 10 years ago.
I totally lost it! Started bawling! Went in the house and called
Jenny (Hi Jen) who had already put her 1st kid on the kindergarten bus.
She calmed me down and said soon I would be out running errands
and have to fly back home to find my child off the bus and walking
home already. Sure enough that did happen. With all three of my
kids no less. Any way after talking with Jen I made Benji cookies
and now I do it every year and the kids really look forward to it.
So yesterday I went to the store and got the choc. chips so I am ready to go.

One day of summer left and off to school!
(Does not make me cry anymore)
Enjoy your day!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

We should have a nice day here in Bakersville. Sunny and 85 degrees.
People by the pool and doing a little bit of putting on the green.
Do a little BBQ around 5 or so. My nieces G & J are here for the
weekend and I think they may have some friends over her too.
My favorite little guy Owen in coming over for a swim later.
I made him some orange jello. Last time he was here I had made some
and he loved it! So, I hope he still does. You know how kids go in and out of
things they like.

2 days till school starts!