Thursday, October 4, 2007


"Mr. Jimmy" Hutmacher dies at 75
Excelsior's Jimmy Hutmacher has died at the age of 75.
If the name isn't familiar, that's OK.
You may recognize Hutmacher by another name
Mister Jimmy.

Even though I did not personally know "Mr. Jimmy"
I feel as though I did. I would always wave and say
"Hi" to him. May he rest in peace.

I think I have a cold coming on. The gym was very
hard today. Not feeling so hot. But, I look good!
I went and had a Sue-do done yesterday. Love it!
Thanks Susan!

Oh, and the big news of our house yesterday was......
Benji passed his drivers ed class and his permit test!
He drove me all over the place yesterday.
He really does pretty good. I was very impressed.
This morning he asked me "Whats going on tonight?"
I said "well, not very much, Emily has gymnastics at 5pm"
He says "Can I drive you guys there?" He's just a bit

Well, we are out of milk and a bunch of other stuff
so off to Cub I go. 78 degrees and sunny today! YAH!!!



Sue said...

like the new color!
sorry about jimmy.
glad you like your hair!

Jennifer said...

Did you know that his favorite flavor was Cherry Red?
Poor Jimmy:(
Fun to hear about Benji, too cool. Also, glad to hear your feelin' H-O-T!!!!