Monday, September 24, 2007

Laundry & Lunch

Man can we get stuff dirty!
Monday is clean up the mess you
made over the week end day for the Bakers.

At noon I'm off to Bluff Creek Elementary
to have lunch with Emily & Amanda.
They love it when I come up to the school.
So, while they want me I will be there.
I don't think Benji would welcome me
at his lunch table at the high school.

All is well here in Chanhassen, the weather has
been great. The kids were all in the pool yesterday.
It may be one of the last times they swim in it
this year :( Closing the pool is hard for me.

We emptied Joe's storage locker into our garage
yesterday. Benji now has Joe's bedroom set.
It fits great and looks awesome in his room.
Benji is digging it too. More space for his ever
growing clothes.

Joe had books, books and more books!
I'll be dropping them off at the Chan library, household
goods will go to Good will and all the empty boxes
and old paperwork to the garbage man.

Let me just say one thing here...
I see no need to save every box from
every small appliance, computer program, etc....
you own! Holy cow! I know lets pay $175.000 a month
to store boxes. Joe must have been up in Heaven
looking down and laughing his butt off at us.
Love & miss you Joe!

Today marks the 3 year anniversary of the death of
Andy & Shari's dear sweet baby Jacob. Jacob was 9 1/2
days old when he passed away. Cute, tiny guy. Boy oh boy
has he been missed. Keep them in your prayers today.
Today will be a hard day.


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