Monday, September 17, 2007

Drivers Ed

Could it be? My little boy is taking drivers ed?
He's only 2 1/2 years old, how can it be?
Yep, he starts today. 30 hours of class time.
He is very excited about it. Me, not so much.
I am not sure how I feel about it. It will be nice to
just let him drive to his Dads and not need a ride.

I forgot to post some photos last week of
a visit we had from Pete's sister Nettie
and her 4 leg friends. My kids were crazy
excited. Nettie was trying to beat Laurie
out of the aunt of the year spot from last
weeks golf cart driving. Thanks Nettie,
It was fun! Even though I really do not
like horses at all. They scare me to death!
It is way to big of an animal to trust as far as
I'm concerned! Can you tell by the look on my
face I am less that thrilled?!

Must get back to my Monday chores now...
The laundry never ends!


Sue said...

hmmm driver's ed and MR. ed!
how about that?
I want netti to come to MY house
and bring trigger for a photo shoot!
or go out to her when we get some snow! that would be soooo great!


Sue said...

oh, and p.s. you can totally tell that you are scared to death of the horse! :)

Sue said...

you want jenny to blog???
tell yourself! ;)

Jennifer said...

Hey, I wanna come over too!!!!! How cool!